In the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I only posted one photo from Katherine & Mattie's wedding. Here are a few more of my favorites.
The Bride getting ready

I loved the look on Katherine's face in this image

This is one of my all time favorite moments. Kay had just put the veil on and couldn't contain her emotions.

A letter to her future husband, written long before she ever knew Mattie would one day become her Groom.

The Groom getting ready

Katherine & Mattie seeing each other for the first time

Kay seeing Katherine come down the aisle

The Bride and her father

During the ceremony, Katherine's Maid of Honor sang to them. Her voice was angelic, one of the most beautiful I've ever heard.

The kiss

Mr. & Mrs. Mattie Nelson

The first dance

Father and daughter dance

Mother and son dance

The cake .... and more kisses

Katherine is a dancing fool! I've never had a Bride who loved to dance as much as Katherine!

Yes, Katherine LOVES the Soulja Boy! HAHAHA! I laughed until I cried at all the wedding party doing the Soulja Boy!

Then all the bridesmaids did a dance to Prince's "Kiss"

Katherine secretly had a shrug made from the lace of her mother's wedding gown. She'd told her mother that the seamstress couldn't use it. Her mother had no idea until the moment that she and Mattie were making their getaway!