Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Get Ready!

There are so many exciting things going on right now! Be on the lookout for lots of changes around here! I've been working on a new look for my business.... someone asked if I was giving my site a "face-lift" and my response was "well.... think more along the lines of extreme make-over, business edition"! I can't wait to unveil everything. I have tried to keep things relatively hush-hush, but I'm getting closer to having everything ready for the launch. I can't give an exact date but it will be in January sometime! SO SO excited! :)

In addition, I've been finishing up my 2007 weddings, booking weddings for 2008, shooting engagements & bridals for 2008 weddings, and working on all these new projects for the business!

Check in for more info on the exciting things that will be taking place in the next month or so!

Merry Christmas to everybody!